Headquarters EnergyCAP, LLC
360 Discovery Drive
Boalsburg, PA 16827

Denver, CO
Suite 500
5445 DTC Parkway
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Dublin, Ireland
Unit F, The Digital Court, Rainsford Street,
Dublin 8, D08 R2YP, Ireland

Phone: 877.327.3702
Fax: 719.623.0577

Jeffrey Duke // Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

“We could never fully replicate the functionality that EnergyCAP gives us in a cost effective manner on our own.”


Tell us about yourself.
My name is Jeffrey Duke. I’m with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in Cleveland, Ohio. I’m a manager of innovation programs here and I work with our sustainability team managing our EnergyCAP installation.

What was life like before EnergyCAP?
Prior to 2018, the district managed our energy utilization and cost data in a very manual and burdensome way, primarily using spreadsheets. That management of information was fairly inconsistent because it was not comprehensive across the utility spectrum there, and the spreadsheet use was reporting was done inconsistently across our organization.

What were your goals in changing the way you use EnergyCAP?
We discovered that there was a lot of opportunities for improvement in both our energy data management in taking advantage of EnergyCAP to its fullest functional capabilities.

I would say that our top three goals or benefits from the EnergyCAP reconfiguration were, number one completeness accuracy and confidence within the data.  I think the second thing that we took that’s very important to us was the trend analysis and the reporting that EnergyCAP provides very robust and easy to use dashboards and reports that we were not using before. Then the third thing, I think, is access. We’re able to provide access to the information across the organization, to our treatment plan superintendents, to our maintenance staff, to our building managers in a much more easily managed fashion there. I would say the biggest value is still going to be in that trend analysis and program support mechanisms there.

How has this impacted your larger energy and sustainability goals?
Seeing is believing, and EnergyCAP gives you that visualization that the spreadsheet or the table didn’t give you before. So we’ve set up many dashboards and reports that allow us to better understand our data to support our sustainability program, our greenhouse gas programs, and several other programs within the district that utilize some of those data reports. EnergyCAP provides a much more effective and efficient way to access that information.

