ENERGY STAR has recently released DataTrends—a sector-specific research and analysis series. The series currently includes 2-page fact sheets for each of 16 building types that are commonly tracked and rated using the DOE’s Portfolio Manager online software. In this blog, we will answer a few basic questions and make a couple of observations about the available data.
There are currently 16 included building types, which are:
Distribution Center | Non-Refrigerated Warehouse |
Worship Facility | K12 School |
Dorms/Residence Halls | Courthouse |
Office (General) | Hotel |
Retail Store | Senior Care Facility |
Financial Office | Medical Office |
Bank Branch | Hospital |
Supermarket | Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Property characteristics vary by building type, but common characteristics include:
Each fact sheet provides a value for the 5th percentile, the median, and the 95th percentile of the sample:
The fact sheets provide an ENERGY STAR score range comparison based on source Energy Use Index (EUI).
The EUI plus other variables affecting energy consumption are used to calculate your building’s ENERGY STAR rating.
Source EUI is also compared with significant building variables using scatter charts.
Again, the provided data varies by building type. For instance, Dorms/Residence Halls include a scatter chart relating rooms/1,000 sq. ft. to Source EUI (no correlation). The Courthouses building type includes a scatter chart relating the number of workers per 1,000 sq. ft. with the source EUI (marked correlation—see chart). Depending on the type of building, the scatter charts also demonstrate correlations with either heating degree days or cooling degree days and source EUI.
The individual and collected datasheets are available on the ENERGY STAR website (click to view). If you’re curious about how your buildings stack up against national benchmarks, we encourage you to explore the Portfolio Manager DataTrends resources. According to DataTrends, buildings that consistently benchmark energy use save an average of 2.4 percent per year.