May I share some good news with you? EnergyCAP is officially an Environmental Leader!
We were notified by Environmental Leader (EL) magazine that EnergyCAP software was selected as an Environmental Leader Product of the Year.
The EL Product & Project Awards recognize excellence in environmental and sustainability management. According to EL Program Director Jennifer Hermes, the third year of this annual awards program drew more entries than ever, and competition was steep.
So how did we win?
The marketer in me wants to shout, “Because we sell the best energy management software on the market today!”
But let me simply quote the judges:
“A no-brainer in terms of the impact this product has had on energy efficiency over the years. The impact is well illustrated in the cases and the narrative, and the product has been acknowledged by Inc. and ENERGY STAR, which attests to its value. Material makes clear that the impact comes in two ways: simply measuring where energy is being used leads to action to reduce its usage and: product enables organizations to assess the impact of EE efforts themselves.
This product has been around for donkey’s years and is hardly revolutionary when you put it beside some of the extraordinarily sophisticated systems for managing and reducing energy usage, notably in buildings. However, the vast majority of smaller organizations and many larger ones too are still at the point where simply paying attention to their monthly energy bills is itself a source of EE measures (‘what gets measured can be managed’ etc.) so the ongoing value of the product remains enormous in terms of its impact on EE.”
“EnergyCAP [partners with] EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager software tool, which is the go-to resource for energy efficiency benchmarking in the US. EnergyCAP has been a leader for over [30 years]…and its usefulness is demonstrated by the growing number of buildings that are participating in benchmarking activities each year…”
Way to go, EnergyCAP! If you agree, why not forward this blog post link to a colleague who SHOULD be using EnergyCAP.