Currently, we can only find out about PV and Wind if we know what Campuses have these renewable energies. Are you thinking of creating a Tab for Renewable Energy, similar to the one for GHG?
No. We created a ‘Renewables’ Meter Group Category with Groups of ‘SOLAR’ and ‘WIND’ in the “Groups & Benchmarking” Manager for the SUNY System. Renewable energy Meters can be added to these Groups for analysis and these Groups can be used to filter EnergyCAP Reports to report on consumption and cost information.
Are we able to run a ‘wedge diagram’ graph or report that shows the trajectory of emissions over time and see projections into the future?
We do not currently offer a PowerView or Report like this, but it sounds like a really great idea. An enhancement request will be made to the EnergyCAP Development Team.
What emissions factors do you use to convert to Metric Ton equivalent CO2? Are they the same factor for all parts of the state?
EnergyCAP uses the published factors from eGrid, for Electricity, and IPCC, for fossil fuels. We applied the Power Pool Sub-region factors and they are applied to all parts of the state. Reviewing the GHG Factors applied to meters at different Campuses throughout the State, the GHG Factors are the same.
Additional resources are available in the EnergyCAP Enterprise Help Manual.