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4 mins

Fighting Climate Change Builds Customer and Employee Loyalty–Here’s Where to Start

Many of us are taking steps to mitigate the causes and impacts of climate change. From turning more lights off, to using public transportation, and even adopting a plant-based diet, there are many small steps a person can take towards becoming an energy –responsible citizen. However, businesses have exponentially greater power to fight climate change than any one individual. With the ability to influence over 70% of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions worldwide, the importance of companies taking action towards sustainability cannot be overstated.

Some of the benefits of implementing sustainable practices are well known: reducing their carbon footprint, saving money on energy costs, and improving their public image are all outcomes of addressing a company’s GHG activity. However, there are a few significant benefits to implementing carbon reduction strategies that businesses might not be aware of. Namely, customer and employee loyalty. More than 3 in 4 customers are more loyal to sustainable brands, and almost 90% will purchase specifically from a company that advocates for an issue they care about. By taking strides towards sustainability, companies can attract and retain customers who value environmental responsibility. And that loyalty isn’t limited to customers. More than half of employees would take a pay cut to work for a company that prioritizes sustainability. Attracting a workforce who shares a company’s values makes turnover less likely.

Even for companies who are committed to making changes, implementing them isn’t always easy. Financial limitations come into play, and many businesses don’t know where to begin. EnergyCAP is here to help. A few places to start include:

  • Look for help with funding and planning. Many government programs, at both the state and national levels, exist to grant funds for both major and minor sustainability programs. Non-profit organizations can also offer resources and guidance to help companies implement sustainable practices and meet their sustainability goals. Sustainability consultants can be brought in to help a company develop their plan of action and develop funding requests.
  • Prioritize by the bottom line. So many carbon limiting activities also actively save companies money. Simply by using less electricity, a large institution can save tens of thousands of dollars every year. Using energy-efficient lighting, like LED bulbs, and installing occupancy or daylight sensors can save money on energy bills over time. Similarly, businesses can reduce their water usage by implementing water-efficient practices such as using low-flow toilets and faucets, fixing leaks promptly, and using water-efficient landscaping.
  • Reduce waste. Landfills are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing waste can significantly shrink a company’s carbon footprint. Companies can achieve this by implementing recycling programs and reducing the use of single-use plastics.
  • Go “one stop shop” with an ERP. One of the best ways for a company to get the best of both worlds—meeting their sustainability goals while saving significant funds and simplifying their processes—is with an Energy and Sustainability Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This type of system allows companies to track their energy usage, identify areas where they can reduce their energy consumption, and monitor their progress towards sustainability goals. It also puts real time data in the hands of decision makers to make data-driven, informed choices about their business.

EnergyCAP is the leading energy and sustainability software, empowering customers with full control and understanding of their energy and sustainability data to reduce their carbon footprint and drive savings. For over forty years, thousands of public and private institutions have been using EnergyCAP to streamline accounting processes, reduce resource consumption, and identify opportunities for sustainable operations. Visit EnergyCAP.com to learn more.

Author Marc Kanski