In these days of Ask Google and Siri, it’s frustrating for many energy managers to be so reliant upon data delivered up via snail mail and served on sheets of paper in small print. And then there’s the onerous task of data entry—matching up all the tracked items with the correct field in your spreadsheet or database. Surely there must be a better way!
The good news is that there is. Next Wednesday, October 22, EnergyCAP’s VP of Sales, John Heinz, will host a webinar where he will be reviewing a number of current technologies designed to shortcut the tedious task of archiving utility bill information.
If you’ve experienced the drudgery of hand-keying utility bills into your energy management software, wouldn’t it be great to be able to devote more time to higher-level tasks? Find out how you can take advantage of new processes to lighten or eliminate your data entry load.
This webinar will explore the growing number of alternatives to hand-keying utility bills. You’ll learn the basics of flat file data import, EDI 810 utility billing, OCR, screen-scraping, and outsourcing.
There will also be a surprise announcement of special interest to current clients, so don’t miss this informative session.
We look forward to meeting you online!
The webinar is over. Click this link to learn about Bill CAPture.