I was missing the fun.
Each month, our company leads an educational webinar targeting various energy topics. More than 1,000 people have attended our webinars. And since we record them, they’ve been viewed thousands more times.
So I wanted to get in on the action. I wanted to lead a webinar. But I had a dilemma—our audience is mostly energy managers.
I’m not an energy manager, I’ve never done a chargeback, I’m not an M&V nerd. I’m a marketer. What value could I offer our audience?
Then I realized an unlikely congruence between a marketer and an energy manager—the need to promote.
You see, achieving energy savings is one thing, but unless you promote the savings, you’re missing a big piece. And you’re missing some of the fun.
Promotion is a natural part of both of our jobs. There are many good reasons to promote your success, for example:
If you do well with the money that was granted for projects, you’ll be trusted with more. But unless you publicize your success, how will others know? By remaining silent, you’re leaving money on the table.
Whether you work for a local government, university, or business, your organization has a brand. Your money-saving activities can positively influence the brand. Boosting your brand isn’t just the work of the public relations or marketing department; it’s the job of every employee, including you.
Imagine walking to your boss’s office to ask for a raise. She asks, “What have you done for the bottom line of our company?” Your mind goes blank. You can’t think of a single thing. Now imagine Take Two. You walk to her office with a pile of papers in your hand. She asks the same question, but instead of glazing over, you present example after example of dollars you saved because you took the time to gather the stories.
There may be hidden abilities in you or members of your team that aren’t being used. Skills valuable in promotion like writing, researching, designing, or using technology might be lying dormant. Sharing your success stories can provide an outlet for these abilities and create benefits for your organization at the same time.
And there are more! Attend my webinar to learn more reasons to promote your energy savings, how to run a promotion operation, and 20 ways to promote your success. You’ll walk away with a practical list of tactics that are attainable for energy managers.